Adina Popescu
16 Jun – 21 Aug 2011

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Unreliable Narrators (Part For Jeremiah)

The Script

The Ethics of Pirating
The script portrays seven characters. Each character comes with a “Tape”. These confessional tapes can be viewed in a separate screening room. They have a beginning and an end and require a separate room to be viewed.

A Confession

The script The Ethics Of Pirating consists of seven ‘confessional monologues’ that represent conventional positions of dissidence. The dissidents are either well-known or entirely fictional ambiguous political characters. Their language originates from commonplaces of political subversion, but throughout the course of the play the characters start to develop an own language, which allows them to question ethical stands.

“Jeremiah” is a contemporary Jean Genet figure: a internet hacker, convicted for identity theft.
At the same time this character is nothing but text, consisting of a pre-scripted language that performs all the key elements that are required for us to identify an outlaw or a politically subversive figure. Is the character lying to us? Or is the work of art itself an imposter?
We see an actor and we hear the text. But there is no identity between these two elements. Until, towards the end, something strange happens.

Photography: courtesy Anna Leuenberger